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Soothing Reiki Session for natural healing of the mind, body and soul.
Soothing Reiki Session for natural healing of the mind, body and soul.
Soothing Reiki Session for natural healing of the mind, body and soul.
Soothing Reiki Session for natural healing of the mind, body and soul.


Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,

I combine the T-Mobility with the T-Pain Relief together.  Two pills each, as needed.


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Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,

I combine the T-Mobility with the T-Pain Relief together.  Two pills each, as needed.


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Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,

To get rid of a sinus infection and to keep it away I use this Nutribiotic Nasal Spray two squirts in each nostril twice a day.


To read about  this remedy, Click Here.

Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,



Zicam Cold Remedy, nasal spray only.  At the first hint of a cold, start using the nasal spray, according to the directions, until the bottle is gone.  At the same time, use Umcka Cold + Flu Multi-Action Non-Drowsy chewable tablets, according to directions


To read about  this remedy, Click Here.

Emergency Medical Identification Card,


I use Influenzium by Boiron as a substitute for the flu shot.  When I can get it, I use Lucky Vitamins or Amazon online.  It is backordered a lot.  I use five pellets per week.  Click Here for where to purchase.​

Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,

Start the D-Mannose at the first sign of a bladder infection.  Check out the dosing recommendations and benefits from Dr. Mercola, here.  Don't buy the capsules they are loaded with Rice flour.


You can find this product if you  Click Here. 

Essential Oils will help you with your immunity and stop cancer in it's tracks,



Start taking Umcka Cold + Flu Multi-Action Non-Drowsy chewable tablets, according to directions along with Zicam's Cold Remedy, nasal spray only.  


To read about  this remedy, Click Here.



How Pheromones Work,

The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in "Healthy" Foods That Cause Disease


Click here to read about this book.

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